Friday 4 May 2012

Decoding Deadender speak - Part 1

Hello fellow Deadenders and all other souls who have stumbled upon this post. I, Sniper Assassin, am planning to go on a little R&R (for the uninitiated that is shortened form of rest & recuperation) this long Vishakh day weekend. Before that I decided to start this blog post and leave it at the mercy of fellow Deadenders.

Before I proceed further about this blog post I bring a motion to collectively call the contributing authors of this blog as Culs-de-sacers (today I and Madiba>> Profile here>> were discussing the word cul-de-sac because of this post, and voila we actually figured out that cul-de-sac means a deadend in, believe it or not, French!). I sincerely hope this motion passes unlike the some of the laws in our Parliament.

This is meant to be a group blog post, where anyone and everyone can contribute (when I say anyone, anyone with the admin rights). This is basically a list of culture references the Culs-de-sacers will use in day to day life, and also in their writing, which for the not so closely associated readers will mean absolutely nothing. That's right, zilch unless we have this wonderful list of references and the reasons.

So I shall start this list and I expect everyone to add whatever they feel is relevant.

1. When we say Captain there is only one Captain we are talking about. Not Captain Vijayakanth, nor Captain Arjuna Ranatunga, but Captain Jack Sparrow. So get on the with the program.

P. S: If you are going to use the name of Jack Sparrow without the Capt. expect a Cul-de-sacer to correct you by saying it's Capt. Jack Sparrow.

2. When we speak of the Diary, suffice to say to we are NOT speaking about Anne Frank's Diary. We are actually speaking about ..... Bridget Jones' Diary. Even though some of us have read Frank's Diary, at this stage of our lives the probability of us relating to the latter Diary is more than nominal.

So this is it from me. I expect the others to continue with the various references. Ciao.

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