Friday 4 May 2012

Decoding Deadender speak - Part 1

Hello fellow Deadenders and all other souls who have stumbled upon this post. I, Sniper Assassin, am planning to go on a little R&R (for the uninitiated that is shortened form of rest & recuperation) this long Vishakh day weekend. Before that I decided to start this blog post and leave it at the mercy of fellow Deadenders.

Before I proceed further about this blog post I bring a motion to collectively call the contributing authors of this blog as Culs-de-sacers (today I and Madiba>> Profile here>> were discussing the word cul-de-sac because of this post, and voila we actually figured out that cul-de-sac means a deadend in, believe it or not, French!). I sincerely hope this motion passes unlike the some of the laws in our Parliament.

This is meant to be a group blog post, where anyone and everyone can contribute (when I say anyone, anyone with the admin rights). This is basically a list of culture references the Culs-de-sacers will use in day to day life, and also in their writing, which for the not so closely associated readers will mean absolutely nothing. That's right, zilch unless we have this wonderful list of references and the reasons.

So I shall start this list and I expect everyone to add whatever they feel is relevant.

1. When we say Captain there is only one Captain we are talking about. Not Captain Vijayakanth, nor Captain Arjuna Ranatunga, but Captain Jack Sparrow. So get on the with the program.

P. S: If you are going to use the name of Jack Sparrow without the Capt. expect a Cul-de-sacer to correct you by saying it's Capt. Jack Sparrow.

2. When we speak of the Diary, suffice to say to we are NOT speaking about Anne Frank's Diary. We are actually speaking about ..... Bridget Jones' Diary. Even though some of us have read Frank's Diary, at this stage of our lives the probability of us relating to the latter Diary is more than nominal.

So this is it from me. I expect the others to continue with the various references. Ciao.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Some obscure awe-gasmic movie moments

Recently I had the good fortune to see the Avengers movie on a 3D cinema hall. It was absolutely brilliant, well it was brilliant at that time, with all those hi-fi gadgets, stunts and gymnastics, and prowess of the superheroes, Tom Hiddleston and Robert Downey Jr. umm.. you get the gist of it right. But when I reflect on it in my mediocre dorm room the memory seems awesome, but the plot line.. not so much. In essence, the awesomeness of the movie moves away from the plot line to the moments in the movie that our brain is capable of remembering.

So basically, what I am going to do in this post is to list the totally awe-gasmic movie moments in some obscure movies or obscure scenes in famous movies. I will try to find the Youtube videos which are there and try to link them up as well. If you have not watched these movies before please be warned that this post contains spoilers.

1. Wanted

This movie is panned by some of my friends just because it has James McAvoy. But I loved the movie. The movie is about a sceret society of assassins called "The Fraternity" (now you see why I have placed this movie at the top of the list) and how it's members are instruments of fate. The movie introduces some novel concepts like, the path of bullet maybe bent, flies maybe shot with guns, and time is not constant for everyone, that it maybe stretched and shrunk as one wishes it. It's a totally awesome movie. And add the fact there is lots of shooting and people dying, brilliant!

There is one scene which is entirely from another planet, the scene where Angelina Jolie and McAvoy have a competition, where whoever takes a flag planted on a bridge wins the race and mind you all this whilst on top of moving train. The scene was completely surreal. I am sorry I could not find that particular scene, but here is the theatrical trailer of the movie.

2. The Quick and The Dead

As far as Westerns go, this move is not talked amongst the same league as the Man With No Name trilogy but it had some very very awesome moments. It has Sharon Stone, who is more known for her ahem ahem other movies, Gene Hackman, Russell Crowe and a very young Leornardo DiCaprio. 

The awesome moment comes right at the end of the movie where there is a stand-off between Crowe and Stone, and someone has to kill the other. Only one survivor is allowed and Crowe kills Stone, or so we think. Anyway, I love the advice Crowe gives Stone; Listen to the tick, watch with your ears. 
Here are two scenes from the movie.

I love the waiting in the movie, the quickness of hand slights and of course Russell Crowe. 

This is it for now. I shall update this post sometime soon with the rest of the awe-gasmic moments I have in mind. 

Part 2

3. Collateral 

OK, seriously what's not to love about a pepper and salt haired Tom Cruise who comes as a hired assassin? But the movie bombed and God only knows why. I find the movie exhilarating simply because the idea that you resolve yourself to killing for money is a wonderful notion. And then there's Jamie Fox who comes as a taxi driver who has more intelligence that what is good for him. It all adds up to a wonderful movie. Then there is this one scene which takes place inside the taxi whilst Jamie Fox is driving it, right after Cruise has killed four people. There is this one line Tom Cruise says which is just awesome

Get with it. Millions of galaxies of hundreds of millions of stars, in a speck on one in a blink. That's us, lost in space. The cop, you, me... Who notices?

Here is the scene below.


Wednesday 2 May 2012

Office talk

I'm sitting in a place surrounded by people who don't like me. At least as a professional. the moment I leave the room and shut the door behind me I could here a buzz breakout. A bit stupid I should say because if someone wants to talk about someone without that someone knowing shouldn't they wait till the door shuts properly?

Maybe I should give a lesson or two about the Art of talking behind someone's back.
 Lesson Number 1: Do not look up, immediately turn your chair and stare at your computer screen for a few minutes before you resume your normal work, when the person enters the room.
 I thought that was basics? 

I'm not against gossip/talking behind someone's back because hey, I do that all the time. And when someone tearfully declares to you "why didn't you come and ask me to my face?" well I simply say if I do, either you won't give me an answer or you might for obvious reasons lie to me or you might say "it's non of your business".And well such disappointing answers simply don't fill my curiosity.

However I'm against spreading stories which you know to be are lies. Or saying something with certainty without first clarifying yourself whether it is in fact the utmost truth.
 Lesson Number 2: There is an easy way to over come this problem. Simply add a clause in your statement. For example" A told me this about B. But knowing A I don't believe it 100%) And you have done your part and your conscious in clean (mostly)   ; )   

Of course the people in my room would never read this blog. So I guess there is little purpose in this. 

Tata! (sending happy waves from my office...even though the transmission is likely to be interrupted by the hate atmosphere resonating so heavily in this tiny room)

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Hello!!! (fellow EDS and other lucky people who have come to/stumbled across our blog)

I usually find myself spectacularly tongue-tied when I'm expected to say something useful (or perhaps it's pen-tied in this case), so, uhh..........
What??? No smileys? (Did you know about this Sniper Assassin???)
Anyhow, I'm sure we'll all get a kick out of referring to each other by their pen-names. Other advantages could include feeling like you're doing something productive, when you're, in reality, procrastinating doing something else that actually needs to be done.

So long!